JUNE 2022
A Note from the Editors
Dear reader,
When we first joined the newspaper early into our high school careers, we could see its potential to become as well-received as it is today. Now, as editors-in-chief, we cannot express how grateful we are to have seen the rapid growth of The Jabberwock. Just this year, we have been able to distribute over 150 copies of the newspaper each issue, receive positive feedback from faculty and staff on the paper, and interview figures from our school’s history and local leaders—things we could not have done without the support of our newspaper staff along with our sponsor, Mr. Peter Cashwell. He has remained patient with us throughout the school year to conduct multiple rounds of article edits and support our endeavors. Because of the staff’s consistent hard work, we could even create the first installation of what we hope to be a regular series titled Project 1937, detailing our school’s history from its beginning to the present.
Seeing the development of the newspaper, we would like to express our gratitude to a few other individuals. Thank you to the Governor’s School Foundation for funding our newspaper issues and allowing us to display our staff’s hard work in full-color issues. Thank you to our administration, Dr. Robert Lowerre, Dr. Lisa Williams, and Dr. Max Smith, for working with us for countless interviews throughout the school year. Thank you to our photography team for visualizing the stories we write about. Thank you to the director of our photo team, Albert Tang, for being so diligent in photographing every single school event so that our newspaper can report on each. And lastly, thank you to our readers for continuously reading our issues and actively engaging with each article. Seeing the discussions that have emerged from our pieces have only motivated us further to improve our paper to be the best it can be for you all.
This year has been filled with growth for The Jabberwock, with us learning from mistakes and trying out different venues to make our newspaper a true representation of what Maggie Walker stands for—courage and compassion. It has been a dream to publish and reach such a broad network this past year, and we simply cannot wait to return next year with a paper that is even more representative of our school’s values.
With love,
Mona & Annabel